Moderating Leaves Chat


Starting a Discord Chat Session

Opening a chat is pretty easy because it’s almost all automated. All you need to do is check in with DogBot and DogBot will handle the rest:

  1. Please get there early. Things happen very fast, and if you get there even a minute late you’ll have trouble catching up. Also, trolls are not known for their patience, so they will often jump in right when the channel opens.

  2. Before the chat begins, click into the #mod-checkin channel and type “!checkin” (no quotes) DogBot will add “Moderator -” before your nickname and give you a fancy “Moderator on Duty” Role, which will give you your own section on the right sidebar and make your username stand out.

  3. Take a look at the last moderator’s Session Report in the #session_reports channel to get caught up on any potential problems.

If, for some reason, the channel does not open, type a quick message in the channel along the lines of “We’re having some technical difficulties, one moment please!” and see the “Situations” section.

Ending a Discord Chat Session

Ending is just as easy because that’s automated too. DogBot will handle the five minute warning, two minute warning, and closing messages, and then lock the channel. Just return to the #mod-checkin channel and type “!checkout”. DogBot will put everything back the way it was.

If, for some reason, the channel does not close or DogBot doesn’t restore things on your account, see the “Situations” section.

Don’t Leave Yet: Write a Quick Session Report

Before you leave the server after a session, please write a brief Session Report in the #session_reports channel so we have a record of events and other issues as a moderation team.

It does not have to be a novel. Just include any concerns, problems, issues/users to watch out for, good ideas, or observations. Also include a summary of any DM exchanges you had with users. They definitely don’t have to be long. Here are three examples so you know what’s expected:

  • *We had a whole lot of “first” posts today, maybe we should make an announcement about not doing them? One ‘get back on topic’ warning to the group, and I had to remind @Jack#3076 in DM that supplements were off topic.”

  • “Several reminders to the group to stay on topic, one had to be serious and firm. I had to ban @hothead#3168 after they went red zone on a rudeness warning. @IamtheWalrus expressed interest in becoming a moderator in DM.”

  • “No DM or channel warnings, but @Hemlock#3047 and @WilliamTell#2026 complained about @CocoaNib#2112. Although their heart seems to be in the right place, @CocoaNib does have a confrontational tone and doesn’t blend with the group well. May be worth a warning if this continues.”

Subduction and the other mods will review these reports every day, so feel free to put anything you like in there that you want to bring to everyone’s attention.

When the Session Report is done, so are you!

Now let’s look at the rule you’re meant to enforce.